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Get a Work Permit

Work permits, extension of work permit, post grad work permit, open work permit, and all applications for temporary workers, business people, students and caregivers.

Get a Student Permit


Find out if you need a study permit as an international student, what you need so you can apply, and how to apply. Learn what to do after you submit your application and before you arrive in Canada.

Become a Permanent Resident or a Canadian Citizen


Find out if you can apply for residency or citizenship, how to apply and what to do after you apply.

H & C consideration
Humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) consideration, under A25 and A25.1 of the IRPA, provides the flexibility to grant permanent residence status or a permanent resident visa to certain foreign nationals who would otherwise not qualify in any class, in cases in which there are compelling H&C grounds.
Family Sponsorship


Your relatives can live, study and work in Canada if they become permanent residents of Canada. You can sponsor certain relatives to come to Canada if you’re at least 18 years old and a:

  • Canadian citizen or

  • Person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act or

  • Permanent Resident of Canada



Vivian Leah Olano, RCIC
Member of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC)
Membership # R530843
Mentor for the Pilot of the College’s New-Licensee Mentoring Program

AV Locky Immigration Solutions Inc.

Unit H212 - 155 Frobisher Drive

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 2E1

Phone: 1-519-208-6430

Whatsapp: 1-226-898-0752

Connect online:

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  • Whatsapp
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